Late last year we connected with The Happy Startup School in Brighton, and loved the format of their Lean Coffee events. We've now been running them monthly in Auckland ever since, and are currently hosting them at our Eden Terraces offices towards the end of each month.
Lean Coffee - Happy Startup School Style - is run as a meet-and-greet plus discussion for solo-preneurs, freelancers and creatives. Individuals pose questions and the group contributes to the solutions. The aim is to learn from each other, meet great people and build awesome networks.
There are dozens of Lean Coffee meetups happening across the world in places like Seattle, San Francisco, Toronto, Stockholm, Edinburgh, Brighton & Sydney.
Topics are up to the group, but common themes tend to be community building, sustainability in business, transparency in your company, how to create an amazing culture, how to be more productive, how to be happier at work, how to test early stage ideas, how to find focus, how to find developers, designers or co-founders, growth and content marketing. We welcome all sorts of startup, business and happiness related topics you might need help with!
This is the best place to connect with our team and other awesome members of our community. You can keep up-to-date with the next Lean Coffee by following us on Facebook or subscribing to our mailing list or checking our Lean Coffee page.