Join us for Lean Coffee
A place for startups, solo-preneurs, freelancers and creatives to meet, share knowledge, and ask for help.
Next Virtual Lean Coffee: Fri 1st May 2020, 7:30 am - 8:30 am

Our Lean Coffee events are a great way to connect with other entrepreneurs, at various stages. The way this event is run helps to facilitate good connections and knowledge sharing in relation to starting and growing a business.
The topics we discuss are co-created by the participants, so it's relevant to whoever attends. This way, it doesn't matter what stage you're at, you'll get something interesting out of the session.
Upcoming Events
How does Lean Coffee work?
Lean Coffee is a structured but agenda-less meeting style. Each person gets an opportunity to put forward a problem or topic they'd like to discuss. Three topics are selected by vote, and everyone gets the opportunity to contribute.
There are dozens of Lean Coffee meetups happening across the world in places like Seattle, San Francisco, Toronto, Stockholm, Edinburgh, Brighton & Sydney.
Who is Lean Coffee for?
Aspiring entrepreneurs, startup founders, creatives and anyone else interested in starting and growing a business.
The aim of the morning is to connect, share knowledge and help each other do better through the force of the community.

What types of questions are discussed?
It's up to the group, but common themes tend to be community building, sustainability in business, transparency in your company, how to create an amazing culture, how to be more productive, how to be happier at work, how to test early-stage ideas, how to find focus, how to find developers, designers or co-founders, growth and content marketing.
We welcome all sorts of startup, business and happiness related topics you might need help with!
What does the cost cover?
Coffee, tea and breakfast bagels.
Common Questions from Lean Coffee Answered
Just check out our YouTube channel or the Mum's Garage Facebook page for Nat's 'Common Questions' videos. Within these Nat will select a post-it note question, raised at one of our Lean Coffee mornings, to speak about and give her advice.