Getting StartedNews

Never feel alone again with our online community membership

People from Mum's Garage startup community speaking to each other
We’re excited to launch our online community membership, to make it easy for you to get access to resources, support and connections to help grow your business, all the time.

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Starting a business is a consistent learning journey, and your capabilities are only as good as what you know.

If you’re working on starting a business, we want you to know the fundamentals of starting and building a successful business, have access to the best people to provide advice and experts who can help to get your tasks done, and for you to make the most of the opportunities we offer through Mum’s Garage.

Our online membership makes it easy for you to get the right support, as it’s needed.

Get access to:

  • Experienced startup founders who give practical, modern advice on how to build companies
  • Designers, videographers, developers, copy writers and social media experts who are affordable for bootstrapping founders.
  • Likeminded others, who can share experiences, swap skills and provide emotional support when it’s needed.
  • The best content we have accumulated over the three years we have been working with companies and running events, including Entrepreneurs Unleashed recordings, past presentations and useful templates.
  • Discounts to the various events and workshops we run, including the Digital Marketing Deep Dive, Entrepreneurs Unleashed and Lean Coffee.

 How does the community membership work?

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It’s powered through Mighty Networks, a web platform designed for bringing together content, community and online courses.

The membership costs US$20 per month, and you can cancel at any time. Once you become a member, you’ll be able to access resources, ask question and connect with mentors and community members.

Join us and become part of something that will make you feel supported, inspired and connected along your entrepreneurial journey.




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